Our collaborative investment philosophy emphasizes a team approach to decision-making, clarifying your goals and drawing on the diverse expertise of our advisors to optimize outcomes.  




We know the sacrifice it takes to build wealth and as your balance grows every percentage change feels monumental.  With our Protect First approach, your assets are segmented by purpose and invested according to your unique risk profile. We collaborate with our clients to ensure a comfortable amount of liquidity is readily available, while mitigating the volatility of the portfolio.



We don’t believe you should pay unnecessary taxes, so we stay on top of the latest tax planning opportunities available to the widowed community, business owners, and high-net worth individuals and families.  Each year, we consider how to best minimize tax liability while investing heavily in education and technology to help us provide the best possible outcomes for our clients. 



We seek out income-producing securities for each portfolio, providing passive income to help replenish liquidity or fund additional goals.  Higher quality corporate bonds, dividend producing stocks and real estate are an example of securities that may fit in this segment.   



The market (and life!) will fluctuate – preparing you for that journey is what we are passionate about.  As your fiduciary, we educate you throughout the process to ensure you understand the ‘why’ behind our actions.  We collaborate to develop your financial plan, serving as your personal chief financial officer – providing plan implementation, annual reviews, and pivoting strategy when necessary.